Friday, February 24, 2012

Princess II

I hope that each one of my fellow blogger enjoyed my story of my Princess. My husband Herb and I enjoy having her very much. As an owner of a reptile there is a lot of responsibiltity with having this type of pet, I think more so than a cat or dog. The type of enclosure that we have her in needs to be cleaned often or she can get mites on her skin or even get sick if not properly cared for. The temperature on her enclosure needs to be seventy-five to eighty degrees of humidity to keep with her natural environment. The lighting in her enclosure substitutes for the sunlight outside. Yet, we still need to get her out often for proper sunlight, human contact, and be able to roam around for a little in the house. Also, with an watchful eye on our two cats Harley and Phantom, they both are less thrilled with Princess. My son Trevor thinks she is cool, but as a teenager he is not to thrilled with her either. My family who comes over to visit like Princess at a distance, so pretty much she is for my husbands and my enjoyment. Another responsibility of ownership of a reptile is their feeding, it is not like our cats where we put food in their bowl for them. With snakes you should feed them stunned mice or rats so that they do not bite the snake but with Princess she likes her prey live. She lays in her log as my husband drops the rat in the enclosure with her, she waits, she strikes then strangles her prey and then swallows head first. I have blogged on Reptile Conferences and Trade Shows, which I have never been to one but I can see the interest in it. Along with the previous blog, I shared about some of the states the have proposed laws and or laws being introduced concerning reptiles. I do to an extent understand some of these laws but as a responsible owner I do have a hard time agreeing with them. I understand there needs to be guidelines but as far as Rhode Island they want to ban ownership of boas and pythons, this I have a problem with. My opinion is that eventually this will happen country wide due to people who are unprepared or not responsible enough to own one of these amazing creatures. I guess time will tell, until then Herb and I will enjoy our Princess.


  1. I think it's really cool that you have a snake for a pet and you seem to care for them as if they were a part of the family. From the reading, you are most definitely knowledgable about these animals.

  2. Snakes are definitely exotic pets and I hope more people can read this and educate themselves so they don't end up putting their pets out in the wild, which causes problems for everyone.

  3. Just FYI, you guys may want to consider feeding her in the tub or a feeding box. Snakes are more apt to bite if fed in the enclosure in which they live
